Ramadan Mubarak
Ramadan Mubarak ... Read More

Mother's Day
Happy Mother's Day ... Read More

Aid for Syrian Victims of the Earthquake
In execution of the directives of the generous Egyptian leadership in its urgent response to aid the earthquake victims of the Syrian people, and in accordance with the joint cooperation between the General Egyptian Medical Syndicate Misr Alataa' Committee and Watan Organization; Syndicate representatives will be present at the headquarters of Watan to receive your cash and in-kind donations. This is done according to official receipts from th ... Read More

Distribution of the first phase of hearing aids
Starting the 1st phase of distributing hearing aids.......... This came as a part of providing hearing aids project. It is held in cooperation between Watan Organization and Misr Alatta Committee of the Medical Syndicate, and is organized by Relief Without Borders Foundation, The hearing aids were distributed to the first group of beneficiaries, and the rest will be distributed during the coming period. ... Read More

International Education Day
Today, on January 24, we celebrate for the fifth time the International Day of Education, declared by the United Nations General Assembly and UNESCO in 2018. It celebrates the role of education in achieving peace and development in the world. They emphasized that education is essential to the success of all sustainable development goals. Goal 4 aims to ensure "quality education" and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all by 2030. ... Read More

International Education Day
On 12/5, we celebrate the International Volunteer Day launched by the United Nations, to encourage volunteers and celebrate their achievements and efforts in community service, in addition to urging young people to contribute to volunteer work, and raising awareness of the importance of volunteer work and its impact on society. ... Read More

World Food Day
On the 16th of October, we celebrate World Food Day Its goal is to remind and highlight the world's hunger and poverty crises, as well as to inspire people all over the world to take action for a year without hunger. Let's contribute together to raise awareness of this issue. # A world free of hunger ... Read More

World Day of the Deaf
September 28th is World Day of the Deaf. It is one of the days of the International Deaf Week, launched by the World Federation of the Deaf to raise awareness of the obstacles and challenges faced by the deaf and to highlight the importance of sign language. The aim is to make the deaf feel safe. in a society that demands their rights and takes their needs into account. #World Day of the Deaf ... Read More