The World Food Program (WFP), in cooperation with Watan Charity Clinics, will reopen registration exceptionally for the "Childhood and Motherhood Care" project until Monday, April 23rd for pregnant and children under two years.
>>>> .For those Who have not registered in the project yet <<<<
.Note that the project will be implemented next May to all registrants
The program includes:
- Free monthly medical statements for pregnant women and children with
sonar screening.
Monthly food vouchers.
Please do not register in the project if you registered at Watan Organisation or in other places
to register please bring with you :
- (Passport and yellow card for Syrians (pregnant
Passport and yellow card and birth certificate for children cases
- (Personal ID and birth certificate for the child (for Egyptians
6th of October City - Central Axis - Vodafone Square - Tiba Grand Mall - Building A - Third Floor - Watan Charity Clinics.
From 10.00 to 3.00
For Inquiry 01069022266